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Christ-Centered, God-Glorifying Worship

At Redeemer Presbyterian Church we seek to worship in a Christ-centered and God-glorifying manner. We regard the worship service as a sacred meeting with God. It is not a performance; it is not self-serving. Our only focus in worship is God Himself. Biblical preaching, heartfelt prayers and confessions, joyous praise, and the sacraments frame our worship.


Biblical Preaching - You will hear messages that are faithful in their exposition and application to life, rich in gospel content, Christ-centered in focus, and earnestly evangelistic in their calls to sinners to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ.


Heartfelt Prayers and Confessions - Our prayers embrace the privilege we have to commune with our Father in heaven, who has welcomed us to approach Him with our needs, our petitions, and our praises. We confess our sins and receive our Lord's forgiveness as promised in Scripture. We confess our faith through creeds and Scripture as way to clarify and affirm our convictions, proclaim the basis for our fellowship together, and as a witness to the outside world.


Joyous Praise - Together we raise our voices in song, praising our God and proclaiming His truth. We sing traditional hymns that have edified the church for many centuries and songs rich in their lyrics and theology seeking to represent our best in glorifying God in our worship.


Sacraments - The sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper (communion), instituted by Christ, are a means of grace within the covenant community. They are visible signs and seals of something internal and invisible and the means by which God strengthens, comforts, and grows us through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Simply stated, through biblical preaching, heart-felt prayer and confession, joyous praise, and the sacraments, God conveys His grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life. So it is with great joy and humble reverence we come to worship every week.

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